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To give them beauty for ashes.
                                          Isaiah 61:3
"Become beautiful from the inside out!"
Pam Robinson



Who is a De Novo Woman?
De Novo means anew.  The name was derived from the scripture found in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; "old things have passed away, behold all things have become new."  
Therefore, a De Novo Woman is a woman whose desire is to be renewed in all areas of her life, as she is drawn to a closer more intimate relationship with God.”   



Women's Support Group 

Combining Christian Principles with Life Situations





Two people are better off than one, for then can help each other succeed. If one person falls, they other can reach out and help.  (Eccesiastes 4:9-10)


Don't know which way to go?

Square Stage

What words are coming out of your mouth?


Do you know that you can hinder your healing when you speak words of negativity, doubt and unbelief?




Loaded with prayers and scripture, Healing Words is a powerful interactive book that will teach you how to activate your healing by speaking words of faith over every area of your life.


now available!

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